Arancino AI

The smart architecture for the implementation of machine learning algorithms

Arancino AI is our software and hardware architecture that acts as the brain of a predictive maintenance system for the implementation of machine learning algorithms. Just like the human brain, Arancino AI was developed based on the concept of communication between right and left hemisphere, allowing real-time monitoring, detection of anomalies and defects in equipment for preventive purposes. Within each application, Arancino AI creates a custom algorithm that provides information that can diagnose the problem and know its severity, enabling real-time intervention and thereby preventing failures that can affect the production process and unnecessary costs in replacing damaged parts.

Arancino AI technology meets the needs of Industry 4.0, improving the sustainability of all types of production and predictive process maintenance. At the same time, the adoption of Arancino AI technology within, for example, urban redevelopment projects allows to operate on air monitoring and pollution level, analysis of traffic flows in order to implement sustainable mobility projects, the efficiency of water management systems or the prevention of extreme climatic events through the sensorization of the most at-risk territories.